Since the internet began taking over, people have been snapping naked pics of themselves to send over to others. It’s hard not to when we look this good! Plus, it is such and easy and quick way to get turned on or turn your fuckbuddy on. Some people have a collection of others’ nudes on their phones, like a naked photo gallery of strangers. And while it feels like fun and games in the moment, it can lead to serious consequences. That’s why it’s always important to think twice before sending out your hot nudies to a fuckbuddy. We’re not saying don’t do it; however, here are the things you should consider before you send them out!
The Cloud Saves Everything
Once you take that sexy picture of yourself and send it to your fuckbuddy, it’s out there until the end of time. Or at least until the end of the internet. You need to decide for yourself if you are comfortable with that idea. There’s always a possibility that it resurfaces years later and puts you in an uncomfortable situation. Is that something that you think you’d be able to handle? It comes down to personal choice. Some people wouldn’t mind at all, while it would cause paranoia for others.
Not All Fuckbuddies Can Be Trusted
A fuckbuddy isn’t a lifelong partner. In fact, you may only know your fuckbuddy for a week or less. That’s the nature of the friends-with-benefits arrangement. But can that person be trusted? In other words, is your fuckbuddy going to send this photo around or share it with his friends? Again, this isn’t a big deal to some people. They aren’t bothered that a set of strangers’ eyes might be shown their nude images. To others, that’s invasive. Also, if your fuckbuddy is in your circle of friends, it might lead to some embarrassment if they show the photo to people that you know.
Do you even enjoy taking naked pics of yourself?
Not every sex act is for everyone. Taking a hot selfie is a sexual act, especially when you send that picture to your fuckbuddy. It should be something you are 100% comfortable with, something that turns you on, and something that is as much for you as it is for your fuckbuddy. If you aren’t feeling great about taking a nude, don’t take one! Sometimes fuckbuddies can be manipulative, beg you for photos, and act in ways that are rude and annoying in an attempt to get something from you that you don’t necessarily want to give. If any of that sounds semi-familiar, don’t send the photo.
Should you just bang instead?
If you and your fuckbuddy aren’t far away, why not just get sexy for each other in person? Nudes are a nice way to keep the steamy fire from dying when you are far away from your fuckbuddy, but not when you guys live in the same area and could easily pop in for a quicky. It is understandable if you are both quarantining. Having a fuckbuddy in quarantine means that you have to get creative. In that case, nudes might be one of the best ways to keep it hot when you can’t be there in person to enjoy that hot casual sex you are used to having. Or, you can try sexting games instead of actual pics.
Can you send a faceless photo?
Some people who love to send sexy photos to their fuckbuddies make sure to take the pics in a way that doesn’t show their faces. This serves as insurance that the photo won’t come back to haunt them later on. Another thing to keep in mind if you are going to go this route is to cover or hide any tattoos that you might have so that those aren’t visible in the picture either!
Why not try a secure messaging system?
There are tons of apps and sites that ensure safety when sending risque content. They are apps where messages self-destruct and where screenshots aren’t’ allowed. This might make you feel better when sending hot stuff to your fuckbuddy due to the fact that you two aren’t in a serious relationship. Tons of fuckbuddies use these apps to make the nude exchange seamless and safe. There’s always the idea that your fuckbuddy could take a photo of the screen containing your image, but that would require a ton of work that most people aren’t willing to do.
Fuckbuddies are casual sex relationships. They aren’t long-term partners that you can trust holding onto everything, especially vulnerable photographs of yourself that aren’t going to disappear anytime soon. But they are fun to send, and can be a really sexy element of the casual sex friendship. Before you hit “enter” on that sexy nudie, take these things into consideration so that you can make sure that you feel as good about sending it as your fuckbuddy will feel about receiving it.