How To Have A Fuckbuddy in Quarantine

The year 2020 has been a surprising one to say the least, and it’s been very damaging to the fuckbuddy lifestyle. Meeting random people for casual hookups used to be a pretty low-risk activity. Today, meeting anyone random for any reason is high risk. The fuckbuddy world has been completely flipped on its head and we, as fuckbuddy enthusiasts, can’t help but wonder what the world has in store for people who love a good bang as much as we do! Is the casual hookup dead? Will we ever be able to enjoy having a friends-with-benefits freely, without the worry attached to the year 2020?

While it is true that things have absolutely changed, it doesn’t mean that fuckbuddies are out of the picture forever. There are ways to have a fuckbuddy experience even while in quarantine. There are different sexual activities that you can partake in that won’t put you in tons of danger and will allow you to keep your hookup lifestyle going strong! Read this article to find out how you can have and enjoy fuckbuddies while the world is in a bit of a lockdown. Happy humping!

The Virtual Fuckbuddy

The internet is an amazing place where you can get anything you want at the touch of a few keys. You can order everything from groceries to an escort over the worldwide web. Stroking the keyboard might even mean that someone might stroke you later! You obviously know enough bout fuckbuddy sites, as you are currently on one, but there other ways to virtually enjoy the hookup experience. Casual sex has expanded to include casual virtual sex. There are tons of different ways to go about having virtual sex with a fuckbuddy. This is definitely the safest option when attempting to have a fuckbuddy while in quarantine. If you are too worried to meet in person, try out any of these virtual sex methods!

  • Cam Girls: Finding a cam site isn’t a challenge these days. They are pretty much everywhere you look online. Cam girls are a cool way to get it on because these women are often escorts, who are experienced and know how to please you from far away. They are also very easy to get quickly, if you are horny and looking to fuck right now.
  • Sexting: Sexting has become really popular in recent years because of how fun it can be to do. These days, it’s pretty much exclusively how established fuckbuddies choose to communicate. You can text and still have it be sexy with sexting. Sent each other your fantasies and get it on! Or, you can exchange hot juicy photos of on another via sexting.
  • Phone Sex: Calling a phone sex operator is a nice and convenient way to get your rocks off. Sure, it’ll cost you a little bit, but the benefits are almost always worth the small monetary price that you pay for the service. You can also explore the idea of having phone sex with a fuckbuddy you’ve already met. If you two have banged it out in the past, it’ll be easy to talk about what you’d do to each other in the future. It’s a nice way to stay on your fuckbuddys radar, even if you aren’t ready to meet in person quite yet.
  • Video Sex: That camera on your phone or computer can be used for more than just selfies. You can use them to have video sex with a fuckbuddy! You can both masturbate to the camera and it’ll feel like you really are in the same room together! Just be careful where you blow your load, as you don’t want to destroy a perfectly good phone or computer with your spunk!
  • Bluetooth Sex Toys:  Bluetooth or remote sex toys offer a unique way to give your fuckbuddy an orgasm when you can’t be there to do it yourself. These toys let you control them from afar. You can have video sex with your fuckbuddy while you give her an orgasm via Bluetooth sex toy!

Chilling In-Person

If you are dying to hang out with your fuckbuddy face-to-face instead of screen-to-screen, there are some things you can do to stay on the safe side. The most important thing to remember is that sex is a contact sport, with tons of ways that you could put yourself at risk if you decide to have it. With that in mind, you’ll want to avoid the following:

  • Breathing near each other
  • Close face contact
  • Kissing
  • Oral Sex
  • Mouthplay

You are probably looking at this list and wondering what the heck you can do. In our opinion, there are two really solid options for having sex while quarantining.

  • Use a glory hole: Using a glory hole is something that has actually been recommended throughout the 2020 pandemic. A glory hole is a hole in a barrier between two people. The barrier keeps you safe while you can still enjoy some fun through the hole! This activity still comes with a bit of risk, but it’s much lower with the barrier helping to make sure you don’t breathe on each other.
  • Mutual masturbation: Masturbating with each other is a great idea. You can stay 6ft apart and even keep a mask on if you want! Enjoy this kinky activity while you get off next to or nearby your fuckbuddy.

Are those ideas as hot as the real deal? Not for most people. But they will keep you safer than doing totally balls-to-the-wall with your fuckbuddy, so they are definitely worth a try. Plus, the forbidden aspect of everything might even increase the sexual tension and make your experience even hotter! Who knows?