We have all at least thought of having a 3sum, a threesome, a ménage à trois, or whatever you want to call it. There’s no shame in admitting that. A lot of us have gone ahead and done it. Maybe you went the distance during a wild college night, or maybe you were wined and dined by a couple that you met at a bar or online. Either way, 3sums are not for everybody…..but they are for most people! If only for a night, indulge your wildest fantasies with your fuckbuddy.
It’s not like there is much chance of ruining such a casual relationship anyway, right? I understand the initial hesitation you may be feeling; there are so many questions that are looming: Who do I pick to join my fuckbuddy and I in the bedroom, what if I pick the wrong person to bring into my fuckbuddy’s bed, how am I supposed to add yet another person into the mix, who do I concentrate on, how do I make sure to satisfy everybody involved, what if I feel awkward, what if I feel left out, what if I don’t like it?…the list goes on and on, but let’s focus on the first question, Who do I pick to join my fuckbuddy and I in the bedroom? There are certain people you should and should not invite into the bedroom. We are here to help you figure out what would be best for you if you are thinking of adding another body into your game of bed twister.
[Related: Best Threesome Positions to Try With some Fuckbuddies]
Close Friend
My rule of thumb is to A) never have sex with my close friends, and B) never bring a close friend into my relationship, however mundane that relationship might be. We are using the word “relationship” loosely in this case, since your fuckbuddy could actually be your best friend, could develop into something more, or could just be a casual relationship in order to get yours. Let’s say for argument’s sake that you are in the most casual of fuckbuddy relationships. If you bring a close friend into the mix, feelings of jealousy might arise and your fuckbuddy relationship could be in danger.
What if your fuckbuddy always wants you to bring him/her into the mix or shows and interest in them that puts you at risk for getting the boot? Worse yet, this might end up damaging your relationship with your close friend. What is the difference between a close friend and a love interest after all? Romantic feelings and physical touch are the two things that make the biggest difference on how you label your relationship, so why decide to put that “friend” label in jeopardy for one night of fun and ecstasy when you have other options? This can get way too complicated way too quickly. You know that saying, “Don’t shit where you eat?” Just don’t go there.
An acquaintance is the perfect solution for most; you get the uncomplicated-ness of a stranger with the comfort and feeling that you are safe and are with somebody that you can trust without having any emotional ties to them. You know them just well enough that this might ease any uneasiness or awkwardness you might feel toward the prospect of sharing your fuckbuddy and letting someone else see you at your most vulnerable. Your inhibitions might be lowered around someone you know rather than a stranger and give you the space to really let go and experience something new. This might just become your bread and butter.
Some people want their fuckbuddy to remain their fuckbuddy and their friends and acquaintances to remain in the dark when it comes to what they like in the bedroom, and that is completely valid. Fear not! You can also get your freak on with your fuckbuddy and somebody else, you just might have to grab a beer or a gin martini with your friend between the sheets and scan the bar for a potential candidate. This can be exciting foreplay for the both of you. This can let you both find what you like and do not like and what works for you both.
Plus, the thrill of bringing somebody home that neither of you knows could really add something special to that special time you will all spend together. A stranger allows things to be completely uncomplicated. It gives you room for a one-and-done, a “lose our names and we will lose yours,” or it gives you the uncomplicated addition of a second fuckbuddy who you bring in when you and fuckbuddy No. 1 (aka original fuckbuddy) have that late night booty call after a night out with your girls at the club.
A Mix of Genitalia
Do you and your fuckbuddy want to bring in a guy or a gal? The most popular mix would most definitely have to be two girls and a guy, but there is also the option to have two guys and a girl. I know this might sound less conventional….but you’re having a 3sum for fucks sake, so who are you to talk? Just because another guy is involved does not make your male fuckbuddy gay.
And guys, just because you are a guy whose girl brings another guy into the bedroom, you can still, in fact, be 100% STRAIGHT. *Gasp.* It just all depends on what you and your fuckbuddy decide you are both most comfortable with and what you both would like to try. As long as you listen to your fuckbuddy and try to fulfill their needs as much as your own, you should be good to go! There are no hard and steadfast rules to follow, you just make them up as you go alone. You don’t have to have sex with all parties involved, but you can. You don’t have to use toys, but you can. You don’t have to enjoy a 3sum, but you might. I just ask you all for one thing; Be open-minded. You will NOT regret it.