How Do Fuckbuddies Look In 2025?

Fuckbuddies are bound to take off as soon as everything is under control in this odd new world we are living in, where we have to be careful who we breathe next to, let alone touch. Human connection and physical touch are imperative to our health and wellbeing – we are not meant to live in solitude and hold our own hands. We may be evolved, but at our core, we are still animals with base needs, and one of those needs is sex. 

Masturbating is great when you want to have a little alone time, but we are all getting pretty damn tired of it being the only option when we want to orgasm some stress out of our bodies. Below, we have outlined some of the reasons why you should get ready to go wild with a fuckbuddy in 2021 (when it’s safe again).

Somebody Else’s Hand

No longer do you need to hold your hand and pretend that it is someone else’s. No longer do you need to lie in bed at night and click on that porn video you would have worn out had it been a magazine in the year 2000. It can definitely become a little bit redundant and mundane to say the least. Suddenly, you are no longer enjoying the journey, but instead, you’re simply rushing to your destination.

We can’t wait to go to pound town again – there is nothing like feeling somebody else’s touch. And you don’t have to limit yourself to hand jobs, although a handjob with a fuckbuddy can actually be really fun. When you massage yourself it never feels as good as it does when somebody else does it. There’s a reason for that….no?

Human Connection

We are all so starved for some human connection these days that we end up lingering in the supermarket just to be around other people. We love our pets and our children, but goddamn if we don’t need an adult conversation, a nice glass of red wine, and some foreplay followed by multiple orgasms. If you take a trip and are alone in the desert for a year, how excited are you going to be to be able to feel someone else’s heartbeat as your breath syncs up? There’s nothing like a good, sexual therapy session with another living, breathing, feeling individual.

Party Like it’s 1999

We can see it now; the world opens back up and people go CRAZY. The parties are going to be out of this world, the clubs are going to fill to capacity, there will be drunk people stumbling around and the streets will have to be closed. We are about to party like it’s 1999, and what comes along with lowered inhibitions? That’s right! A higher sex drive…just don’t forget to stash some protection on you for when you inevitably stumble into a crappy motel room, (and don’t have to wipe down everything with Lysol or wear a mask,) and are ready to get naked.

We Don’t Know….

It will take a while for life to return to normal – we don’t know what the long-term effects are going to be. Everyone is scared, people are unable to support their families and life as we know it has been turned upside down. This is not the time to settle down and start a family – people really are not looking to do that. Our generation was just starting to flourish as our lives came to a halt. It is okay for you to take your time and question what you are going to do next.

We don’t know what the world is going to look like. Allow yourself to have some fun that helps boost your serotonin and dopamine levels and leaves you with nobody else to take care of but yourself. Give yourself the freedom and space to be able to date around, fuck around, have fun and meet new people. Meeting new people is something we have not had the luxury of doing for quite some time. So get ready to strip down and explore the world of fuckbuddies yet again.

Although we can’t do it quite yet, it’s exciting to think about when we can. That’s why it’s a good idea to visit a fuck site now to prepare for that hot summer and year ahead!